Friday, June 5, 2015

How newtons law is more powerful in human psychology than in physics

Newton defined law of inertia as its first law of motion. It states that a physical body tends to remain in its existing state whether it is in motion or in rest.

It seems that newton law of motion is more valid on the state of mind than the physical objects. This law of inertia true with mind don't let us change. We are bound by the comfort zones of our daily routines.

Apart from the childhood, when our decisions were taken by others which acted like external forces of newton, change become difficult and painful for us.

We want to do things but are enable to do it because of absence of major external force. Willingness is not sufficient or not strong enough. As we age, we carry more and more weight of our lives which tend to slow down the effect of external forces. Similar to a=F/m in the physics formula.

How should we let the change happen. It is very simple if we see the formula. Of course implementation is the difficult part. Then who said that life is easy.
One we should lessen the mass. We should not let the past slow our pace. These weights are often contributed by the fear and wrong assumption about our limitations. If we lessen those, the movement will be more agile.

Second method is to increase the external force by motivating ourselves by external factors. Using external forces like comparison, benchmarking, inspiration and sometimes fear to motivate ourselves.

Third is to increase internal force. Which is like changing chemical compositions and is out of scope of newtons laws. How to do it. I need ideas...